You can't build unless you actually start building

This morning, I started building a wall.

I’d been thinking about it.

Planning it.

Talking about it.

Even spoke to Uncle Trev about it.

Uncle Trev is a builder.

He likes doing.

He’s happy to chat.

But he’s happier doing.

Last time I spoke to Uncle Trev, he asked me how my wall was going.

I told him I was still trying to figure the finer points.

Whether to have a raised bed or not.

Whether to have a dry stone finish or a render to match the house.

Whether it should curve around the garden or just along one wall.

Told him how I kept changing my mind. Raised bed? Render? One wall?

This morning, Uncle Trev had his mate Des drop a heap of concrete blocks on my lawn.

To build a wall, you have to start building

He’s a man of very few words, Uncle Trev.

But he has a way of finding the simple route to the heart of an issue.

As marketers we can over-think things.

We can’t help it. We deal in words and ideas.

But you can’t build a brand by just thinking about it.

You know what needs to be done.

You just need give yourself permission to start.